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What's Happening
at Saint Patrick's Church

Saint Patrick's Church is open Monday to Friday, from 2-3 p.m. for free tours. We invite everyone to come have a guided tour of our beautiful, historic Church. 

Saint Patrick's Church Restoration Society Events

Tickets for all our upcoming events can be purchased at the back of the Church before and after Mass or through the office by calling 429-4170.
For more information on events please click here

     marimba    MARIMBA LESSONS!   marimba                                                                                                                             

Do you or your daughter/son want to learn marimbas? Learn the Marimbas now... Marimba lessons are being offered by Mufaro Chakabuda of the Maritime Centre for African Dance. The lessons are for ANYONE! NO prior musical experience (or musicality!) needed — simple, fun and easy. The Marimba Lessons will be held
once a month on the last Sunday of each month. Lessons will only be for an hour, so be sure to bring something to drink/eat as we do work up a sweat!

                      Saint Patrick's Choir

organ    organ   organ
Saint Patrick's Choir  is looking for new members to sing with our Casavant organ the 2nd Sunday of each month. Please see Hugh or Joan after Mass.

committee   Social Justice and Charity   committee

Some of the Social Justice and Charity initiatives Saint Patrick's parishioners are engaged in are:Saint Vincent de Paul - Refugee Committee - Outreach Committee - Development and Peace - Hope Cottage Meals - Ministry to Seniors - George Leach Scholarship Committee - Saint Patrick's School Breakfast Program. These groups are delighted to have you "come and see" what they do and consider joining them. Many hands make for light work or, in this area, allow us to do more! Inquire after Mass on Sunday or call Betty at 429-1300 for contact information.

      Books  Saint Patrick's Lending Library  Books

The library is currently housed on the 3rd floor of the Rectory. All parishioners may borrow books on an honor system with no signing in and no signing out. Subjects will include scripture, liturgy, spirtuality, social justice, church history and other suitable topics. Contributions of books are welcomed, as are helpers to administer this project. Please see Mary Schaefer.

bell    Ave Maria Memorial Bell    bell                                

The Sisters of Charity have donated the Ave Maria Bell to the Restoration Society. The bell came from Saint Joseph's Convent, that was rebuilt after the 1917 Halifax  Explosion, and contains the names of all the members of the Sodality of Saint Joseph's Church who were killed during the Explosion. When we complete our restoration the bell will be incorporated into a memorial to the victims and survivors of the Halifax Explosion and to the parishioners of the former Saint Joseph's Church. We are very grateful to the Sisters of Charity for entrusting part of their heritage to th Society so that we may educate future generations on the rich history of the old north end of Halifax. The following link describes the blessing of the Memorial Bell.

Click Here to download
an Historical Document
of the Ave Maria Bell.
(PDF Dofument 121 Kb, link will launch new browser window.)

Our church secretary, Betty Vaughn, has written an award-winning novel that is now available for purchase on our website.

I’ll Buy You an Ox takes place in the fog-shrouded Acadian village of Cape St. Mary, situated on the southwestern shore of Nova Scotia. Boudreau-Vaughan weaves an intricate and surely tragic tale of a young girl—the beautiful, strong Zoe—who grows up in her family’s tangled web of events and the love/hate relationship she has with her community and its intriguing characters. At the same time, it brings a rich culture to Acadian Nova Scotia beyond rappie pie and poutines. The author’s description of rural community living is strong and vivid, at times harrowing and haunting. The award-winning novel, published by Nimbus, is bone chilling to the core, with pride, fear and desperate isolation running through every vein of the story that is sprinkled with births, burials, love and failure of love. Set in the 50’s and 60’s, it reads like a poetic song, effective and entertaining, with a universal appeal that lets you step into your own past and keeps you turning the incident-filled pages, chockfull of magnetic details.

Price: $17.95 + postage.
Orders by e-mail: OR by phone 1-902-443-5599.

    banner                           banner

The World Youth Day fundraising committee is looking ahead to World Youth Day, 2011 which will be in Madrid, Spain. If you are a young parishioner at St. Patrick's and will be 18 years old before summer 2011 and are interested in attending WYD in Madrid please see Jo-Ann MacNeil at church or Betty Vaughan at the parish office.


Saint Patrick's Church Restoration Society Inc. COPYRIGHT 2007 to Present.